Memory Care


Over the past 12 years ABUNDANT HOME HEALTH CARE, Newton, has cared for people and their families who suffer from memory impairment. There are three stages of dementia: early, moderate, and late. A person can be in Early/Mild onset for about 2 years. The Middle/Moderate is typically the longest phase lasting 2-4 years. The Late/Severe stage on average can last 1-2 years.

At ABUNDANT HOME HEALTH CARE, we are aware of the challenges families face when someone they care about is struggling with dementia. To provide the best care possible our certified nursing assistants have passed a 2-day course devoted exclusively to caring for people with dementia.

As people move through the 3 stages of dementia, their cognitive and physical abilities gradually decline.


  • Neglecting Personal Care
  • Getting lost ~~ Wandering, inability to orient themselves.
  • Trouble communicating ~~ word retrieval and inability to describe familiar places and/or objects
  • Memory loss, confusion, forgetfulness
  • Balance and movement problems

Our professional care is available to people wherever they call home.

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